Pleased to Meet You. Won’t You Guess My Name?

ADVENTURES FROM STORAGE B: Pleased to meet you. Won’t you guess my name?
– by Ken Bolding

I just returned to work after taking two extra days off for the Labor Day holiday. My boss’s 80-year-old Secretary didn’t even acknowledge me when I said good morning. A few minutes later, I was talking with a colleague in my cubicle when she interrupted. “I have a student who needs to talk to you,” she said.

I assumed she meant my colleague since I develop curriculum for a special project and have almost no contact with the regular college students. I asked, “With Cubicle Colleague?”

“No, with you. He has a question about welding.”

The student steps into my cubicle. “You’re the welding instructor?”

“No,” I reply.

The 80-year-old Secretary looks confused. “You have nothing to do with welding?”

The student asks, “who do I need to talk to about a welding class?”

“I have no idea,” I say. CC jumps in, and tells the student the name of the welding instructor and where his office can be found. The Secretary and student walk a way.

CC chuckles, leans in close to my ear, and whispers, “I guess you all look alike.”


Author: Kian Bezeel

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